Hello. As the title suggests, this team is designed to spread paralysis around the opposing team and abuse it via flinching moves. I have not had much success with this team as I had hoped, although it may just be because I don't play so well. I've been in kind of a rut, and this is my last team before that. I want to improve it. Please critique. This is both my standard team and my League team on various leagues.
Team at a glance:
Swampert (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Torrent
EVs: 236 HP/216 Def/56 Atk
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)
- Earthquake
- Waterfall
- Roar
- Stealth Rock
Swampert contributes a lot to my team as a counter to top physical threats like Tyranitar, Metagross, and Gliscor, as well as a great Stealth Rocker and phazer. Another bonus is that he resists Gyarados's weaknesses perfectly, contains only one weakness, and resists Stealth Rock making it a great pivot Pokemon and threat checker. I don't even know why I replaced Swampert, when I should have realized that his purpose is to act as defensive support and not as a sweeper. Hopefully I will use him better this time. Although Taunt and Grass Knot leads greatly annoy Swampert, he can usually get up Stealth Rocks sometime within the match.
Togekiss (M) @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs: 252 HP/152 SAtk/104 SDef
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Air Slash
- Roost
- Nasty Plot
- Thunder Wave
Togekiss is one of my main paralyzers and abusers, and he does a darn good job of it. He tanks and haxes out any special sweepers that dare go near him. Togekiss is definitely my MVP, as he makes himself useful nearly every match. Stealth Rock hurts, but Togekisses are still amazing. I decided to make use of Kiss's large Base Sp. Atk since she can take special hits well enough already, so I split the Special Defense. So far, I have not regretted that decision, as I have noticed little deficiency in Kiss's ability to take hits and a much better ability to deal damage. I'm using Nasty Plot in place of Aura Sphere because with Thunder Wave and Roost, Togekiss finds it easy to set up. I hardly found myself using Aura Sphere anyways.
Snorlax (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Thick Fat
EVs: 252 HP/252 Atk/6 SpD
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Body Slam
- Selfdestruct
- Earthquake
- Crunch
I used to have a SpecsTran here, which I liked, but now I have decided to use CB Snorlax instead. Although the damage output is not nearly as high, the paralysis chance of Body Slam and added bulk, as well as the retained resistance of Fire and Ice attacks makes Snorlax a great option as well. CB Snorlax usually spams Body Slam, Selfdestructing when health gets low. There's not much that can be said. Snorlax benefits from the paralysis and fits in with the theme
Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace
EVs:240 HP/36 Atk/160 Def/76 SDef/
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
- Iron Head
- Wish
- Fire Punch
- Body Slam
Jirachi is my second main paralyzer and he can abuse it really well too. Although he is, unfortunately, walled by Waters, Jirachi usually manages to paralyze and hax out stuff, much like Togekiss. I gave Jirachi Fire Punch because I just hate Scizors, Lucarios, and Bronzongs. Suicune and Celebi already covers Waters enough in my opinion. Oftentimes, Jirachi can pass Wishes to weakened Pokes, so he is a very valuable member of my team.
Gyarados (M)@Leftovers
Ability: Intimidate
EVs: 252 HP/252 Def/4 Spe
Impish nature (+Def, -SAtk)
-Dragon Dance
-Sleep Talk
Gyarados has been replaced by Suicune, but after some changes to my team (including the addition of SpecsTran), I have put Gyarados back onto my team as a great RestTalker and potential sweeper. Haunter has said that my team is weak to stuff like SDLuke, and so Gyarados is here to stop them from sweeping my team. Although Dragon Dance is there for the intimidation factor in the earlygame, it has allowed Gyarados a clear sweep many times after the opponent's Gyarados counters have been eliminated. Although the Rock weakness is unwelcome, Gyarados has fared better than Suicune.
Celebi @ Yache Berry
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 232 HP/240 SpA/36 Spe
Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Thunder Wave
- Recover
My third paralyzer. Celebi can spread paralysis and counter bulky waters (particularly Gyarados) extremely well. This Celebi serves as a nice utility counter and fits well onto my team. Hidden Power Fire nabs unsuspecting Steels and Celebi and provides good coverage with STAB Grass Knot, while retaining coverage against Breloom. I used to have a SubSeeder Celebi in this Celebi's place, but Stauffen/Kiryoku has recommended that I use this set instead as a lure and more instant answer to bulky waters and Tyranitar. Hopefully it will go over well. As for the item, I just hate Life Orb on a team like this. Although I no longer have the OHKO on Tyranitar, I can severely weaken it. The Yache Berry allows me to better take on Gyarados, Offensive Suicune, and Starmie. I am also considering Heal Bell>HP Fire since my team has problems against opposing paralysis teams.
Please help me make this team the best it can be! I'm sure there is a lot I could do better, but I need help to fix my mistakes. I might update this with a sprite lineup and a threat list later on. I'll also try to give better descriptions as I play a bit more with this team.